Personal finanace, Tech News and Mental Health

10 Simple Ways to Pay Off Loans Faster & Save Big on Interest!

credit, bank, money

Looking for ways to speed up loan repayment and save on interest? Here are ten (10) simple ways to pay off your loan faster and save big on interest in the long run. Whether it’s student loans, a mortgage, or credit card debt, these small changes can make a big difference in getting you closer […]

Payday Loans: What You Should Really Know Before Borrowing!

Open cash register with payday loan money, illustrating high-cost borrowing and effective APR considerations

Thinking about taking out a payday loan? Before you make that call, it’s important to understand the pros, cons, and costs involved. Let’s break down what you need to know so you can make a smarter decision. Introduction Payday loans might seem like a quick fix when you’re strapped for cash, but they often come […]

Wealthsimple Review: Automated Investing and Fee-Free Banking

A wooden surface bordered by scattered coins, with Scrabble tiles spelling the word "MONEY" in the center

Managing your money can be as much fun as a root canal—or at least that’s how it felt to me for years. I constantly switched between apps, logged into different bank accounts, and felt like I was losing control over my finances. I’m sure you’ll relate if you’ve ever felt that sense of overwhelm. But […]

How Mortgage Rate Changes Affect Your Monthly Payments: Examples & Tips

From above electronic calculator and notepad placed over United States dollar bills together with metallic pen for budget planning and calculation

Buying a home is one of life’s most significant investments. But here’s something that often catches people off guard—how mortgage rates changes affect monthly payments. Even the slightest rate shift can mess with your budget. In this article, we’ll show you exactly how mortgage rates influence your payments, with real examples and actionable tips you […]

Can you Day-Trade on WealthSimple?


WealthSimple is a big name in online investing, handling over $30 billion for more than 3 million clients in Canada1. But, many wonder if it’s right for day trading. We’ll look into what WealthSimple offers and what it lacks for day trading. We’ll also discuss the good and bad sides of using it for short-term […]